Release Announcement v1.2.0
We are pleased to announce that the Apache YuniKorn community has voted to release 1.2.0. Apache YuniKorn is a standalone resource scheduler, designed for managing, and scheduling Big Data workloads on container orchestration frameworks like Kubernetes for on-prem and on-cloud use cases.
The Apache YuniKorn community has fixed 150 JIRAs in this release.
Release manager: Manikandan R
Release date: 2023-02-02
User Quota Tracking
User & Group resource usage are being tracked at queue level considering its hierarchical structure too for property overriding preference as well. Please see YUNIKORN-984 for details.
Enhanced User & Group handling
User & Group handling mechanism has been enhanced, which in turn opened up various ways to detect the User and its associated group. Please see YUNIKORN-1306 for details.
Support app/task priority aware scheduling
In addition to Fair & FIFO based application sorting policies, Priority based sorting has been designed and implemented in such a way to be compatible with Kubernetes standard priority handling wherever possible. Please see YUNIKORN-1 for details.
Support arbitrary resources in namespace annotation
Support for all resource types in namespace annotations is possible now. Earlier only cpu and memory resource type is allowed. Please see YUNIKORN-1275 for details.
Build YuniKorn against Kubernetes 1.23
This will allow us to maintain support for running on 1.21 and later clusters, while also supporting newer scheduler features. Please see YUNIKORN-1348 for details.
Configuration V2
The configuration system has been overhauled YUNIKORN-1221:
- REST interface for config update has been removed
- New config map: yunikorn-defaults managed via helm
- Existing config map retained.
Please read for details
Revamping e2e testing
Stabilization of various end-to-end tests has been covered as part of YUNIKORN-1491.
The Apache YuniKorn community is pleased to welcome new PMC member Tingyao Huang and committer Rainie Li.